Our Partnership

‘Work is love, service, and sacrifice for others’
Our network spans investors and operators who exhibit this principle in their life and work

Thesis Capital’s Partners & Advisors

We’ve executed billion-dollar transactions, guided venture capital portfolio companies to large raises and exits, and acquired, run, and grown small companies into large companies.

Ian Reynolds

Managing Partner & Founder

Patrick Acker

Operating Partner

Beko Jang

Manager of Operations, Data & Insights

Daira Zunino


Matias Wainstein

Investment Associate

Timothy “Tim” Belton

Independent Board Director

Dustin Carreon


Chris Kirsch

Operating Partner

Luke Davis

Operating Partner

Ravi Parikh

Operating Partner

Soham Bhatt

Operating Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a private equity firm? What do you invest in?

Similar to a private equity firm we have LPs that invest alongside us in our transactions. Our primary source of capital is structured in a way that would align us much more closely with a Family Office that runs a sister operation as an independent sponsor. This means that we periodically source debt and equity from external parties.

Our focus is to invest in cash-flowing businesses in the US that can be held for the long term. While we occasionally make use of debt when structuring investments we generally shy away from what would be traditional leveraged buyouts (LBO).

Are you a search fund?

No, we are not what would be classically defined as a traditional search fund. While a search fund is a type of investment vehicle that allows entrepreneurs to raise money to acquire and run a company whose vehicles are stand-alone entities.

We are similar to a search fund in that we have a pool of capital to acquire companies. But we differ materially in that we do not operate under any of the restrictive financial and time-bound characteristics of a fund.

How is the firm structured?

The firm is a partnership run by principals that recruit entrepreneurs based on a set of investment criteria they developed. Our partners have material ownership in any transaction they complete with us.

Are you making active investments?

Yes, we are actively making investments in US lower and middle markets.

Our investment criteria are detailed on the page for intermediaries and on the press & writing pages of this website.

Does every partner have experience running a company?

The principals in the firm have extensive operating experience and have run the companies they acquired as Presidents/CEOs. The majority of the firm’s partners have had extensive operating roles in some of the world’s most capable firms. We view investments through an operating and investing lens.

A seek to balance both operational experiences in a specific industry and investment experience so that we can provide valuable insights and guidance to investee firms.

Are you growing the partnership?

Yes – our partnership is very unique in that we welcome new members. However, we are highly selective and turn away most candidates, not because they are incapable but because we are searching for specific characteristics that align with our business model. This screening also applies to the businesses we invest in.

Become a Partner

Do you have what it takes to run a great company?

We screen for partners with a unique combination of characteristics we have found to be successful in entrepreneurship. If you have an interest, we welcome you to apply but please note that we admit very few applicants.

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