Category Management

How to manage a business, employees, and complex situations that arise in market systems.

The Corporate Philosophy at Thesis Capital

Our Mission  – Be the most trusted partner for business owners seeking to sell their companies to the right long-term partners, thereby becoming the leading acquirer in the lower-middle market. Thesis Capital is a mission-driven organization. In order to succeed,…

The Correct Way To Lay People Off

Business protocol isn’t something we come out of the womb with. How could it be? University studies are a very brief period of time and focus more on how to think than what to think. It is not much of…

Vision Statements and Visionary Management

A vision statement is management’s most concise articulation of where a company can go through the execution of its mission. Vision statements are about the future of the organization, and the company’s ability to change the world. In contrast to…

Why Missions Matter

Early in my career, the notion of a business mission seemed silly, farcical, even pointless. I believed that vague notions of ‘changing the world’ were only parroted by recruiters to corral wide-eyed graduates exiting the education mill. In my defense,…