Thesis Capital Partners, LLC invests in family-owned companies in North America with $1 million to $25 million in annual owner earnings. We also train, support, and invest in self-funded searchers among a host of investments that meet our criteria.

We take a value approach to what we do. We are schooled in a bottoms-up approach to value creation with Graham, Dodd, Buffett at the forefront of our thinking. We see no schism between value and growth.

We love to study the best businesses. When we discover nuggets of knowledge that should be immortalized we try to publish that information. When we have an insight that leads to an investment thesis we try to see if we can utilize it before sharing the information publicly.

When we are not philosophizing we are looking to acquire and invest in businesses where we understand the economics clearly, like the management, and are well-positioned for long-term success. We work with owners to form a plan for the future of their businesses. Sometimes this plan involves purchasing some of or all of the business.

To execute these transactions we leverage a network of partner entrepreneurs that we train and investors who share our perspective on markets, people, and long-term value.

Our particular competency is with businesses earning $1 million to $25 million in owner earnings each year.

As a privately held firm, we don’t just invest in companies we also invest in real estate when the opportunities are better than those we find elsewhere. We aim to be pragmatists about what we do with the money that is generated by the firm. We like to buy assets at fair prices to their intrinsic value and generally speaking subscribe to a value philosophy.

The firm subscribes to no specific or dogmatic mandate, it just doesn’t suit us. Instead, we have a dynamic approach that lets us put capital where we best understand it. We love to partner with other people who have specific expertise in areas where we feel we can add value.

We believe that truly great opportunities are rare and are very selective when making investments. The majority of the partner’s investments are concentrated in high-quality companies in a portfolio that turns over infrequently.

We try to publish our thoughts on investing as regularly as we can, check out some of our other resources here.

How Our Firm Is Structured

Our People

We have a strict no jerks policy. Office politics is not our thing. We like to surround ourselves with fellow business nerds who simply love building better enterprises. We prefer transparent, frank communications.

We don’t care about where people went to school or their background, we care about the skill they have and their ability to do their job the right way.

The Money We Invest

We invest our own money in every deal we do. This money comes from the companies that we have purchased and operates and is best used reinvested in other firms. In addition to our own capital we are partnered with a number of family offices that invest for the long haul, share our values, and aim to do the right thing for the firms they partner with. These family offices generally invest alongside us when we deploy capital into a firm. In some cases, we may look for outside investors, within our network, with specific expertise to have them both participate and share their specific knowledge.

How We Support Our Investments

The needs of the companies we invest in are varied. Some have management teams that have straightforward processes that don’t need to be changed. Others have some room to grow.

Technology – Over and above capital for any transaction, we provide technology that can help propel a company forward. We take an ROI approach to tech adoption rather than force systems and processes upon our investee firms. Software is part of our background, it’s something we understand well, and when it makes sense to leverage it we try to.

Marketing – Digital marketing and technology have a symbiotic relationship. Our early journey into software showed us the power of digital marketing. We take a similar return on investment approach.

Expertise – Nearly every competitor of ours has some. We simply apply what we know where we know it and try to bring in experts for what might be outside our competency. Why complicate things?

Financial expertise – We are not financial engineers but we are people who understand finance. We also understand how to put the right controls in place where there may have been none in place. We prefer safe to sorry when it comes to accountability for financial controls.